Saturday 12 January 2013

Keep Connected...

If you'd like to keep connected with me, you can join my FaceBook page here:

And my Twitter account is @MMWriterGirl although I'm guilty of FaceBooking much more than Tweeting I must say!

BBC Radio Tees

I did an interview this morning with BBC Radio Tees, talking briefly about the success of the Marilyn book and then quite in-depth about the new Hollywood Scandals book.  We spoke about Lupe Velez, Roscoe Arbuckle, Clara Bow and many others and apart from accidentally calling John Belushi 'Jim' (that's his brother of course!) it went very well.  Can't believe I got the two names mixed up but it's very early here so that's my excuse.  It's spelled correctly in the book I promise. :-) 

If you missed the interview, you can find links to it for the next week or so, on their website: